"DONT FORGET TO SaveAs some other image name before doing anything. To make a mini Squeak, start with the 2.2 release, and execute the following..." (fileStream oldFileNamed: 'shrinkMods.cs') fileIn. Smalltalk majorShrink. (FileStream oldFileNamed: 'furtherShrink-1.cs') fileIn. (FileStream oldFileNamed: 'furtherShrink-2.cs') fileIn. (FileStream oldFileNamed: 'furtherShrink-3.cs') fileIn. (FileStream oldFileNamed: 'furtherShrink-4.cs') fileIn. (FileStream oldFileNamed: 'furtherShrink-5.cs') fileIn. (FileStream oldFileNamed: 'furtherShrink-6.cs') fileIn. (FileStream oldFileNamed: 'furtherShrink-7.cs') fileIn. TextConstants removeKey: #ComicBold ifAbsent: []. TextConstants removeKey: #ComicPlain ifAbsent: []. TextConstants removeKey: #DefaultEditMenu ifAbsent: []. TextConstants removeKey: #DefaultEditMenuMessages ifAbsent: []. Smalltalk removeKey: #TranslatorOpcodeEncodings ifAbsent: []. Smalltalk removeKey: #ScriptingSystem ifAbsent: []. "Save a copy of your image at this point." "If you want to save file space by decompiling system sources..." Smalltalk abandonSources. "When you are all done, this will remove a few analysis routines to get a bit more space back (don't do this if you want to keep experimenting)... Smalltalk lastRemoval "Now you can save your image and changes somewhere -- it's a mini Squeak!" " Handy expressions... Smalltalk browseObsoleteReferences. Smalltalk printSpaceAnalysis. For further shrinking after lastRemoval... [Smalltalk removeAllUnSentMessages > 0] whileTrue. Symbol rehash. Examine obsolete classes... (Association allInstances select: [:x | ((x value isKindOf: Behavior) and: ['AnOb*' match: x value name]) or: ['AnOb*' match: x value class name]]) collect: [:x | x key -> x value allInstances size] " " Welcome to Mini Squeak 2.2 Much has been removed from the normal Squeak release. We welcome your assistance in pointing out features that should not have been removed, or in cleaning up the code so that missing features do not cause errors. Such suggestions will be happily received by Dan Ingalls , on behalf of the Squeak team. Hope you enjoy this mini version of Squeak, the Smalltalk written in itself. 9/29/98 "