(Windows users: see below)
(Mac users: see bottom)

Unix Squeak Browser Plugin Download

Sources are available at the CVS at SourceForge.

I prepared some binaries (the npsqueak.so Browser Plugin itself, a VM, and some modules):

You also need an image (this one is a 2.8 image with Michael's auto-launcher installed and sources abandoned): Extract both, the binaries and the image archive, into your ~/.netscape/ directory:
	cd ~/.netscape
	gunzip -c npsqueak-i386-linux.tar.gz | tar xvf -
	gunzip -c npsqueak-noarch.tar.gz | tar xvf -
Exit and restart Netscape from the ~/.netscape/squeak directory to make sure the modules are found:
        cd ~/.netscape/squeak
	netscape &

Please let me know about any problems: Bert Freudenberg <bert@isg.cs.uni-magdeburg.de>

Squeak Plugin Test

To test the plugin, goto Squeak Plugin Test.

Also see Michael's examples at his NPSqueak pages.

Unix Squeak Browser Plugin Trouble Shooting

Windows Squeak Browser Plugin Download

The instructions above apply similarily. Download these files: Extract both into the subdirectory 'plugins' for either IE or Netscape. Restart your browser. For testing, see above.

Mac Squeak Browser Plugin Download

The instructions above apply similarily. Download these files: Place the "NS-Squeak VM 2.8" file in your browser's "Plug-ins" folder, either Netscape or Internet Explorer. Place the SqueakPlugin.image (contained in npsqueak-noarch.zip) in
System Folder:Preferences:Squeak:Internet
Restart your browser. For testing, see above.